
Showing posts from March, 2024

I made YouTube thumbnail creator with Python and Artificial Intelligence (Unlimited outputs - 1 thumbnail per minute )


I automated whole YouTube content generation using Artificial Intelligence.

Automating YouTube channel may seem simple at first but believe me, there are tons of challenges I faced! These are the engines I had to make: 1. Automation to collect the best and relevant stock footages from internet with License 2. Automation to make the most Informative and logical YouTube video script of almost 10,000 character for 10 minutes of video using the best Artificial Intelligence with Web access. 3. Automation to create completely Human-like text to speech generator Ai with emotions and logical breaks between words with breathing sounds. 4. Automation to do proper SEO through the YouTube on the specific category of the video using Artificial Intelligence and get the most relevant Title, Description, Tags. 5. Automation to do proper video transcription and generate Subtitle file (.srt) in order to make the video professional. 6. Automation to create a proper sounding Background Track. 7. Automation to create eye-catching thumbnail using generative Ai. This step has 10 mor

Write and read data from EEPROM memory - NODEMCU

   #include <EEPROM.h> #define EEPROM_SIZE 512 //EEPROM memory in NodeMCU is a kind of memory that does not delete any data even if //the nodeMCU gets a reset of the power supply. Its like ROM String myStr = "Hello" ; void setup () {   Serial . begin ( 115200 );   EEPROM . begin (EEPROM_SIZE);   Serial . println ();   writeString ( 70 , "Kriya" );   writeString ( 140 , "Item1,Item2," );   Serial . println ( read_String ( 70 )); } void loop () {   } void writeString ( int add,String data) {   int _size = data . length ();   int i;   for (i= 0 ;i<_size;i++)   {     EEPROM . write (add+i, data [i]);   }   EEPROM . write (add+_size,' \0 ');   //Add termination null character for String Data   EEPROM . commit (); } String read_String ( int add) {   int i;   char data [ 100 ]; //Max 100 Bytes   int len= 0 ;   unsigned char k;   k= EEPROM . read (add);   while (k != ' \0 ' && len< 500 )   //Read until null cha

Arduino Powered Gas monitoring project

  I have done this Gas sensor monitoring project on Fiverr for a client. The purpose of the project will be clear once you check the Flowchart below:  Now check all the details of the project I have made below: All the flowcharts and circuit diagrams with graphical view are available in every formats. If you need it, I'll give you through Gmail. Just comment on this post! Component list: 1. MQ-2 Gas/Smoke sensor 2. DFROBOT Solar management circuit  3. Solar panel 5V 4. Li-ion battery 3.7V 5. 3 5V relay modules (For main power, it will be different / more apmpier consumer than others. Will run on solar power) 6. Windows opening mechanism (Will run on solar power. This system will be made separately while assembling) 7. The AC Supply (Note: While assembling, with 12V fan, no ac supply will be provided, THe fan would run on 12V solar power supply) 6. Arduino Nano 7. Alert Siren / buzzer 8. Alert RED led diode. In case if power consumption crosses the limit, you might need to use two s

Use arduino micro to write paragraphs automatically on your computer with specific speed

   #include "Keyboard.h" void setup () {   // open the serial port:   Serial . begin ( 9600 );   // initialize control over the keyboard:   Keyboard . begin ();     delay ( 10000 ); } void loop () {   typewriter (paragraph, 95 ); } void typewriter (String text, int speedPercentage) {   for ( int i= 0 ; i< text . length (); i++)   {     Keyboard . write ( text . charAt (i));     switch ( text . charAt (i))     {       case '.':       delay ( random ( floor ( map (speedPercentage, 100 , 0 , 100 , 1000 )), floor ( map (speedPercentage, 100 , 0 , 200 , 3000 ))));       break ;       case '?':       delay ( random ( floor ( map (speedPercentage, 100 , 0 , 100 , 1000 )), floor ( map (speedPercentage, 100 , 0 , 200 , 3000 ))));       break ;       case '!':       delay ( random ( floor ( map (speedPercentage, 100 , 0 , 100 , 1000 )), floor ( map (speedPercentage, 100 , 0 , 200 , 3000 ))));       break ;       case ';':       delay ( rando

Automate Keyboard and Mouse through USB port using Arduino Micro

   #define MOUSE_LEFT 1 #define MOUSE_RIGHT 2 #define MOUSE_MIDDLE 4 #define MOUSE_ALL (MOUSE_LEFT | MOUSE_RIGHT | MOUSE_MIDDLE) class Mouse_ { private:   uint8_t _buttons;   void buttons ( uint8_t b); public:   Mouse_ ( void );   void begin ( void );   void end ( void );   void click ( uint8_t b = MOUSE_LEFT);   void move ( int x, int y, signed char wheel = 0 );   void press ( uint8_t b = MOUSE_LEFT);   // press LEFT by default   void release ( uint8_t b = MOUSE_LEFT); // release LEFT by default   bool isPressed ( uint8_t b = MOUSE_LEFT); // check LEFT by default }; extern Mouse_ myMouse; static const uint8_t _hidReportDescriptor[] PROGMEM = {     //  Mouse     0x 05 , 0x 01 ,                    // USAGE_PAGE (Generic Desktop)  // 54     0x 09 , 0x 02 ,                    // USAGE (Mouse)     0x a1 , 0x 01 ,                    // COLLECTION (Application)     0x 09 , 0x 01 ,                    //   USAGE (Pointer)     0x a1 , 0x 00 ,              

IOT Automated Fish Feeder project with NodeMCU and Real time clock module

  I have made a fish feeder previously where I used:  1. NodeMCU  2. RTC DS 3231 3. Servo motor And the fish feeder worked through a website, the website was accessible through HTTP localhost. The fish feeder was connected to a local database and the ui was completely hosted through the NodeMCU. It was unlimited hosting and free of cost! Here are two codes, one of server side automation and another of full automations.: full code.ino: #include <ESP8266WiFi.h> #include <ESP8266WebServer.h> #include <EEPROM.h> #include "Wire.h" #include <Servo.h> #define DS1307_ADDRESS 0x 68 byte zero = 0x 00 ; #define servo_pin D5 #define EEPROM_SIZE 512 int homePage = 0 ; int dispenseFoodDelay = 100 , writeDegrees = 90 , foodDispenseState = true ; Servo myservo; template < typename T, size_t N > size_t ArraySize ( T (&) [N]) {   return N; } /* Put your SSID & Password */ String ssid = "NodeMCU" ;  // Enter SSID here String pa