Arduino Fingerprint based attendance system

 Here is an example of an Arduino code that could be used to implement a fingerprint-based attendance system:

#include <Adafruit_Fingerprint.h> #include <SoftwareSerial.h> #define rxPin 2 #define txPin 3 #define ledPin 13 SoftwareSerial fingerprintSerial(rxPin, txPin); Adafruit_Fingerprint finger = Adafruit_Fingerprint(&fingerprintSerial); int id; void setup() { // initialize serial communication and the fingerprint sensor Serial.begin(9600); fingerprintSerial.begin(57600); // initialize the LED pin as an output pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT); // reset the fingerprint sensor and check its status if (finger.begin()) { Serial.println("Fingerprint sensor initialized"); } else { Serial.println("Error initializing fingerprint sensor"); } } void loop() { // check if there is a fingerprint to be read id = finger.getImage(); if (id == FINGERPRINT_OK) { // image captured successfully Serial.println("Image captured successfully"); // create a template from the image id = finger.createTemplate(); if (id == FINGERPRINT_OK) { // template created successfully Serial.println("Template created successfully"); // search the fingerprint database for a match id = finger.searchTemplate(); if (id == FINGERPRINT_OK) { // fingerprint found in database Serial.println("Fingerprint found in database"); digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH); // turn on the LED delay(1000); // wait for 1 second digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW); // turn off the LED } else { // fingerprint not found in database Serial.println("Fingerprint not found in database"); } } else { // error creating template Serial.println("Error creating template"); } } else if (id == FINGERPRINT_NOFINGER) { // no fingerprint detected Serial.println("No fingerprint detected"); } else if (id == FINGERPRINT_PACKETRECIEVEERR) { // error receiving data from the fingerprint sensor Serial.println("Error receiving data from fingerprint sensor"); } else if (id == FINGERPRINT_IMAGEFAIL) { // error capturing fingerprint image Serial.println("Error capturing fingerprint image"); } }

This code uses the Adafruit Fingerprint library to communicate with a fingerprint sensor via a software serial connection. It captures an image of the fingerprint, creates a template from the image, and searches a fingerprint database for a match. If a match is found, it turns on an LED for one second to indicate that the attendance has been recorded.

Note that this code is just an example and may need to be modified to work with your specific fingerprint sensor and application requirements. For example, you may need to adjust the baud rate and pin connections to match your hardware setup, and you may need to add code to store and retrieve fingerprint data from a database or other storage mechanism.


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