Arduino Fingerprint based attendance system
Here is an example of an Arduino code that could be used to implement a fingerprint-based attendance system: Copy code #include <Adafruit_Fingerprint .h > #include <SoftwareSerial .h > #define rxPin 2 #define txPin 3 #define ledPin 13 SoftwareSerial fingerprintSerial (rxPin, txPin); Adafruit_Fingerprint finger = Adafruit_Fingerprint (&fingerprintSerial); int id; void setup () { // initialize serial communication and the fingerprint sensor Serial .begin ( 9600 ); fingerprintSerial .begin ( 57600 ); // initialize the LED pin as an output pinMode (ledPin, OUTPUT); // reset the fingerprint sensor and check its status if (finger.begin()) { Serial .println ("Fingerprint sensor initialized"); } else { Serial .println ("Error initializing fingerprint sensor"); } } void loop () { // check if there is a fingerprint to be read id = finger .getImage (); if (id == FINGERPRINT_OK) { // image captured success...